PM me or post beneath if you're interested in acting any of those beneath...
-Alexander Eggleston
-Age: 34
-Works in the ministry (details up to you)
-Has two children (Daniel (
and Aspen (3)
-Married to Karina Divon-Eggleston (pureblood)
-Doesn't talk to his father or sister, Annie, due to her squib status
-Annie Eggleston-Stanon
-Age: 31
-Works as a lawyer in a Jacksonville firm
-Married to a muggle, Davis Stanon, doctor
-Has one child, Kael (9)
-Does not speak to anyone in her magical family except her aunt, Bathilde
-Is very bitter about her childhood and being cut from her family
-Martina Eggleston
-Attends Beauxbatons as a fourth year
-Very mischievous
-Does not consider herself to be legitimate (although she is)
-Hates her father (just barely gets on with her mother and her step-father)
-Edgar Mochrie (Bathilde's brother-in-law)
-Age: 63
-Rune specialist (considered to be ahem eccentric)
-Anti-social except with immediate family
-Grew up very jealous of his younger brother, Geoffrey
-Considers Taryn to be the child he never had... spoils her rotten