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 Liara Character Extra's

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Posts : 614
Join date : 2011-04-24
Age : 35

Wizarding ID Card
Name: Liara Lightle
Blood Rank: Half-Blood
Career: Minister of Magic

Liara Character Extra's Empty
PostSubject: Liara Character Extra's   Liara Character Extra's EmptySat Jun 18, 2011 3:07 am

Liara Lightle
Liara Character Extra's StarWars3-264

Animagus: Is not one, (though if she trained to be one she would be a Swan)
Patronus: A Bear
Boggart: Being Powerless
Amortentia: Strawberry Liquer, mint, cinnamon, ginseng
Languages: English, French, and crude Russian

-Listening to music, Mostly piano aka Gage Playing Piano
-Solving other problems
-Making a difference in the world, and making it better
- Proving herself

-People who cheat and lie for personal Gain
- Being underestimated, Looked down on
- Disrecpect
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Posts : 614
Join date : 2011-04-24
Age : 35

Wizarding ID Card
Name: Liara Lightle
Blood Rank: Half-Blood
Career: Minister of Magic

Liara Character Extra's Empty
PostSubject: Re: Liara Character Extra's   Liara Character Extra's EmptyMon Jul 04, 2011 2:07 am

001. Real Name › Liara Lightle
002. Nickname[s]› Minister.. erm though thats a title.. none really
003. Blood: Half-blood (pureblood mum, Halfblood dad)
004. Male Or Female › Female.
005. Magical School › Hogwarts
006. House > Slytherin, What can I say, I like power
007. Hair Color › Brown
008. Long Or Short › Erm, long I guess.. though not terribly
009. Loud Or Quiet › Well I don't scream, yet I also speak my mind... so neither?
010. Sweats Or Jeans › Jeans
011. Phone Or Camera › Camera. pictures last longer
012. Health Freak › Nope, Gage doesn't know what to do with me on that front xD
013. Drink Or Smoke? › Drink on occasion..
014. Do You Have A Crush On Someone? › Erm... Gonna say no, its much more then that..
015. Eat Or Drink? ›Eat, much more Satisfying
016. Piercings? › Ears and naval
017. Tattoos? ›

018. An Airplane › Yes Actually, got bored..
019. A Car Accident › Nope thankfully
020. A Fist Fight › Umm sort of, managed to punch a few noses back in a incident in my fourth year.

021. First Piercing › Ears, When I was 10, Mum let me so I could look nice for School
022. First Best Friend › Madison Issac, First fellow Slytherin to befriend me!
023. First Award › First? oh.. Umm Embarassed Won first place for my Halloween Costume when I was 4.. junior Halloween party...
024. First Crush › Well... my Defence Against the Dark arts Teacher... I was 11! puppy love you know? Or first crush on a peer.. Caden McKade... 7 year Hufflepuff.. I was in my 4th.
025. First Boyfriend > Adam Kendle he was sweet
026. First Kiss > Adam Kendle, it was awkward at first... We decided we needed more practice xD
027. First Heartbreak > Adam Kendle, broke up with me after his family wished for him to marry a pureblood... Good luck to him.... he'll need it
028. First Big Vacation › Disney Land! when I was 8, never had so much fun... though I did throw up on Mickey.. me and spiny rides don't mix...>.<
029. Last Person You Talked To › My Body Guard Berlynn Stabler
030. Last Person You flooed › My Dad was wondering if he wanted to have tea, and perhaps discusse a junior intern program for Daniel. The kids a natural, it kinda scary..
031. Last Person You Watched A quidditch game With › Berlynn and others that were in the ministers box during the championship game.
032. Last Food You Ate › A grilled cheese Sandwich and tomato soup.... I really miss Gages Cooking *sniff*
033. Last Movie You Watched › Ah what was that movie?... Ah Lord of the Rings the trilogy, watched a marathon of it in Collage days.
034. Last Song You listened To › Imagine by John Lennon, The man was a genius...
035. Last Thing You Bought › A book from the Imaginarium, on Greek Mythology.. snuck in under disguise Shhh.. xD
036. Last Person You Hugged › Gage, hugged him goodbye when he had to return to Hpgwarts.. Time flies when you're having a good time...

037. Food › Anything with chicken!
038. Drinks › Coffee or Lemonade... depends on my situation.
039. Clothing › If I am working... Business suit and Robes, if not Jeans and Blouse.
040. Book › Goblin Culture, It is really interesting really, gift from my Dad
041. Music › Breakaway by Kelly Clarkson
042. Flower › Roses, I know so predictable, but they are so pretty!
043. Colors › Blue and Silver
044. Quidditch team › Holyhead Harpies, tell no one!
045. Shoes › My slippers, shocker eh? they are so comfy.
046. Subjects › Charms, and Defence,

047. [X] Kissed In The Snow. What more can be said on that? *laughs*
048. [X] Celebrated Halloween
049. [ ] Had Your Heart Broken
050. [X] Talked on the floo
051. [ ] Someone Questioned Your Sexual Orientation
052. [ ] Came Outta The Closet
053. [ ] Gotten Pregnant. No no... not right now thanks
054. [ ] Had An Abortion. Nothing to abort
055. [X] Done Something You’ve Regretted. Inviting Minister Adrian Over for Tea >.< what a disaster that was...
056. [X] Broke A Promise. Probably... Made so many might have forgotten one or two...
057. [ ] Kept A Secret Wait
058. [X] Pretended To Be Happy. All the time, have appease alot of people I'd rather not talk to...coughVinzentcough
059. [ ] Met Someone Who Changed Your Life
060. [ ] Pretended To Be Sick, Don't have time you kidding?
061. [X] Left The Country, yep just last week, Went to France
062. [ ] Tried Something you normally wouldn’t like, and liked it
063. [ ] Cried Over The Silliest Thing
064. [X] Ran A Mile. Sorta of... Home workout.. must stay fit you know.
065. [ ] Went To The Beach
066. [ ] Stayed Single. Well thats for me to know and you to find out Razz

067. Eating › A Cookie, Berlynn your such a Dear xD
068. Drinking › Coffee
069. Getting Ready To › Get to work and Sort out these insanities
070. Listening To › Wizard wireless, Apparently The Harpies won!
071. Plans For Tomorrow/Today › Go to the Wizengamot Court, Listen to Vinzent jammer on and contradict everything I say. The shake some hands and finally go home and relax with Gage...
072. Waiting For › This Chaos to end...

073. Want Kids? › I don't know... though I know Dad would certainly like a grandchild one day,,
074. Want To Get Married? › Would I ever! Unfortunately not possible *sniff*
075. Careers in mind › Already Minister... so more years as minister hopefully
076. Lips Or Eyes › Oh Merlin, Eyes.. Those deep blue eyes I could get lost in...
077. Shorter Or Taller? › Taller.. though not all that important
078. Romantic Or Spontaneous? > Spontanious.. then again it kinda romantic to..
079. Nice Stomach Or Nice Arms › Ah.. arms Embarassed
080. Sensitive Or Loud › A miss of both thank you...
081. Hookup Or Relationship › Relationships... Hookups.. I can't do hookups
082. Troublemaker Or Hesitant › Troublemaker, Only way I notice you likely.. xD

083. Lost Glasses/Contacts › Nope
084. Ran Away From Home › No.. couldn't do that to Dad..
085. Held A Weapon, For Self Defense › My wand on occasion, of Berlynn is not in sight and trouble is a brewing.
086. Killed Somebody › Not directly no...
087. Broken Someone’s Heart › Yes... Sad something I am still Guilty about
088. Been Arrested › Hell No! Political Suicide

090. Yourself › Well I wouldn't minister if I didn't.
091. Miracles › Meh not yet..
092. Love At First Sight › Never experienced it myself.. Though Mum and Dad insist on it.
093. Heaven › Want to...
094. Santa Claus › Yes! didn't you know Santa Claus is a Wizard, Lives in the north Pole with a bunch of House elves.. xD
095. Sex On The First Date › not typically no.
096. Kiss › Umm sure.

097. Is There One Person You Wanna Be With, Right Now? Yes...
098. Are You Seriously Happy With Where You Are, In Life? More or less, could be better could be worse..
099. Do You Believe In Destiny › Still debating on that...
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Bastian Kaiser

Bastian Kaiser

Posts : 102
Join date : 2011-08-01

Wizarding ID Card
Name: Bastian Kiaser
Blood Rank: Half-Blood
Career: Lawer

Liara Character Extra's Empty
PostSubject: Re: Liara Character Extra's   Liara Character Extra's EmptyWed Nov 23, 2011 1:20 am

Liara in Eden

Converted by Darcy Addison for a Year
- Subjected to mental raping and invasion
- Memories of her father are faded as well as Gage her husband at the time
- Forgets about her son Terrence
- Made to believe Muggle born and muggles are dirty, vulgar and quite alian

Changes Her name to that of her pureblood mothers name
- Liara Roiser

Her personalility changes, become incapable of feeling any kind of deep emotion.

Kills several people out on missions, few of were that of the Sangreal. Believes she was doing the wizarding world a great service.

Enters a fling type Relationship with Lycrugus Blake.
-Marry par corvus's rules, even though the marriage mean nothing to them

Discovers she is Pregnant with Lycurgus Blakes child, decides to have the kid.
- Has a Girl whom is named Annette Blake,

Goes out on another mission where she is ambushed by her father and dragged back to a Sangreal Safe house, where the brainwashed effect of Darcy Addison is undone.
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